We decided to go to Montana's cookhouse for our Valentine's dinner. The portents were not good whe we arrived and were informed that the wait would be 25-30 minutes. The boys were happy as we settled into the bar and they found 5 credits in the bar video game. Things turned south again when none of the bar tenders enquired on whether we would be interested in having a drink even though one of them moved me out of the way twice to get out from behind the bar. Next we were seated beside the kitchen and only feet away from the roll of paper that they use to cover the tables. Every few minutes we would here the sound of ripping paper as another table was bussed. I wonder if Montana's and Jack Astor's are owned by the same company since Jack Astor's also uses the paper tablecloth technique. In both restaurants the wait staff also write their name on the table when they come to introduce themselves. Our waitress' name was Bez. It wasn't really Bez, she told be that was her nickname andd it was easier to write. I neglected to ask Cait when I was at Jack Astor's if that was really her name or also her nickname.
By this time I was very hungry and thirsty. Drinks came, food came, for more details refer to my twitter feed for yesterday. Everything was fine. We received an unexpected bonus when instead of the 8 oz. steak my wife ordered a 12 oz. showed up instead. When we brought it to Bez's attention she told us that the other girl who was trailing around with her had entered it wrong and the bill would be corrected. The other girl looked like a trainee, I expect they probably docked her pay the $4 though I hope not. That would be a serious bummer, we didn't want to get anyone in trouble.
After cooling my heels in the bar I was in a bit of a surly mood, the table placement didn't help but Bez saved the evening. I do know that I am not going to Montana's for my birthday, I don't want to wear that mangy horn hat while they sing to me.
I seemed to have picked up a bit of a cold so I am stuffed up and feel poorly on this first Family Day long weekend. I have found that blogging on the eeepc can be a bit of a challenge, the text if pretty small and my fingers are pretty big so extra copy editing is required to fix the mistypings but all in all I am very happy with it. Now I am fatigued from the gargantuan effort of writing this post so I think I'll rest for a while.
While browsing around live.yahoo.com I ran across nekomimi_lisa's channel. She has a webcam at her office, one in her house. This morning I found out there was no snow on the ground in New York City because she carries a cellphone cam on her walk to the subway. Her yahoo live profile lists the various places and services you can see her on.
Some people have mentioed Jennicam to me when I talk about Yahoo Live bu the primary difference I see is that all you need is a webcam and flash to go live. Nekomimi_lisa uses free services to do her broadcasts so a great deal of technical prowess isn't required as contrasted with the Jeniicam era.
Today I went out to lunch wih my old friend Brian and I took my eeepc along with me to show it off. I pulled up my yahoo live channel to show Brian the fake plant in my office on thee free wifi in the restaurant. I introduced him to nenkomimi_lisa. It was a bit surreal, us in a restarant in Toronto chatting with and looking at someone sitting in an office in NYC. Why would someone decide to webcast their life? Why would someone decide to write a blog? Questions to ponder.
We use irc at work on one of our products and and wanted to check out the irc capabilities of the eeepc. I tried using the IRC functionality of pidgin but I didn't find it very fucntional so I decided to try to load xchat instead. After a little bit of web research I tried adding deb http://ftp.debian.org/debian stable main contrib non-free
to /etc/apt/sources.list. Note that you must use sudo to edit this file. After installing xchat from this repository I got an segmentation fault when I tried to connect so I uninstalled it and replaced
deb http://ftp.debian.org/debian stable main contrib non-free
deb http://xnv4.xandros.com/xs2.0/upkg-srv2 etch main contrib non-fre
Then you have to run sudo apt-get install xchat
and everything worked fine after the install. Now it's time to add it to the simple menu.
I have developed an unhealthy obsession with the Google robot. When the robot spurns my freshly minted blog postings and continues to insist a week old blog posting is my newest I despair. Please robot, notice me, update you index, I need your assurances that I am relevant. I don't think this is a good thing, I try not to look but I can't. I shall try to be strong but I to have my ego stroked and this needy behaviour is difficult to suppress.
Last night I had 120 songs waiting to be uploaded to Last.fm from Amarok. I consulted my Linux guru who after contemplating his navel offered nothing beyond an inscrutable gaze. I scoured the net until I came across bernieda's post on the ubuntuforums. His suggestion was simplicity itself and it seemed unlikely to work but I gave it a try none the less. Woho! success. What was the great mystery that had stumped many? Go to Last.fm and set change your password to be the same as the previous one. Whoosh, up they went and my submission queue was empty.
I know I promised no more double topic post, c'est la vie. I have posted a picture of my new toy on this entry. Showing this one off is one of the few times having women comment on how small it is will not turn a man into a quivering mound of insecurity.
Quick edit, I was browsing Last.fm and noticed this song go by. I thought it was great so I thought I'd try embedding it here. Take a listen and tell me what you think. The artist's name is Laura Marie. Click the little play button to hear the track.
Hanging Around If you like it you can download a free Mp3 at Last.fm or buy her album at cdbaby.com.
I was searching for something on Google today and an ad popped up for sessions.aol.ca. I spent much of the afternoon watching the performances. Fergie, Rihanna, Michael Buble,John Mayer and Bon Jovi. The video is ok, the sound is really good. They currently have 83 available. Strange thing was that I couldn't get them to play in Firefox on Linux but they worked fine on Seamonkey. No such luck for AOL radio, it's a windows only product probably because of the DRM.
With 10 tracks still remaining this month my emusic.com picks are Single's of the 90's from Ace of Bass and Ron Sexsmith's Blue Boy.
Today I bought a 4 GB eeepc from Asus, more to come about that.