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EEEPC 701 Firefox settings


  03:29:15 pm by wdawe, Categories: EEEPC

I was IM'd last night by one of my friends, who horrified by how much he was spending of internet cafe's on his vacation, bought an EEEPC. When I first got mine I found eeeuser.com an invaluable resource. Between the message board and the Wiki there is tonnes of information available. As with any large resource it can be hard to find what you are looking for. One the most useful articles was the the how to on shrinking firefox. I wanted to give my friend the reference to it but couldn't remember the search terms I had used to find it in the first place. This morning I decided to make a concerted effort to find it again and document it here. The howto has lots of tips but the ones I found most useful were the items under the heading "Using a single toolbar". I'm too lazy to try to get permission to reproduce those particular instructions so you can go and look them up yourself.

These settings mods may not be required for Model 900 users because of it's larger screen.

1 comment

Comment from: Drew [Visitor]

I ended up getting a 701 last week. Tricked it out with 2GB of RAM and 16GB SD, and trashed the factory OS (XP in my case) and replaced it with Ubuntu.

I have found that the best mod for getting Firefox looking good on that computer is to erase it and use Opera instead. It’s much nicer and the fonts aren’t ugly.

06/14/08 @ 22:52

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