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EEEPC 701 Webcam video recording, not so good


  04:55:19 am by wdawe, Categories: linux, EEEPC

After trying unsuccessfully to record my award winning video for the CommandN Mesh contest I decided to experiment some more with the webcam on the 701 version the EEEPC. I used the built in software (ucview) and tested it at 7.5, 15 and 30 fps at 640x480, 352x288 and 160x120. I have included the 320x240 15 and 7.5 samples below. A quick synopsis, nothing really worked at 640x480, the video was frozen at 15 and 30 fps, the 7.5 fps at 640x480 at least has some motion in the video. You can see the 352x288 samples and the 7.5 fps video sample on my page at Blip.tv. I choose Blip.tv because they support .ogg format that the EEEPC video recorder spits out which I found out in the latest CommandN episode. The EEEPC is just too underpowered to do 30 fps video capture, which is not that surprising. What was surprising is that the 160x120 format didn't work at all. It either froze or crashed the software. he loud click at the end of the videos is from clicking the mouse button to stop the recording, sorry. I was thinking about making this post a video blog entry but decided it would require better production values than what I possess. How did I get the various frame rates? By moving my "studio light". There must be an easier way, maybe someone out there can tell me how.The EEEuser forum implies there is a way but I couldn't find it. If you'd like to contribute some samples please contact me, especially if you are running something other than the stock install.

Here is the 320x240 7.5 FPS sample.

Here is the 320x240 15 FPS sample.

Finally here is a video recorded on ustream using flash, frame rate is 11 fps.

1 comment

Comment from: Sascha [Visitor]  

did you use the Eee PC 900 or 701?

05/30/08 @ 06:42

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