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For Who the Bell Tolls, Road Rage Ontario Style


  01:47:00 pm by wdawe, Categories: uncategorized

The doorbell just rang, no one was there. Looks like my talk with the two miscreants didn't work. Next step is to set up a camera pointing at my front door so I can capture their pictures on videotape for easy identification.

It looks like whining does help. CTV has made Studio 60 available on their website along with a number of other shows. Now you have no excuse. Go back, watch it from the beginning at your leisure and tell me what you think.

A strange thing happened on the way to Ottawa. We were driving along in  a loose grouping of cars when a police car made a U-turn just in front of us across the median and took off in the same direction we were going. The officer had obviously seen someone he wanted to talk to. The car in front of us slowed down, as did we. The lights came on at the top of the hill as the police car pulled someone over. I moved into the left lane to give them some room  while the car in front of me stayed in the right lane. As we passed the police car I sped back up, passed the car in the right lane and pulled back in. By this time he was probably 300-400 metres behind me. He then turned his high beams on. It was only mildly irritating because the boys in the back seat had managed to partially steam up the back window. The car behind kept it's high beams on and closed the gap. I sped up to increase the distance between us. The car behind sped up too. I tried to figure out what I had possibly done to offend the other driver.  The other driver stuck close behind me with his high beams on for about 10 kilometres.  Maybe I was just being paranoid, perhaps the driver behind didn't realize the high beams were on. I was closing on a slower truck and pulled into the left lane to pass it. As I passed the truck and had gained a reasonable separation from the truck I signaled and pulled back into the right lane in front of the truck and slowed down slightly. The other car came around the truck, pulled in behind me and turned the high beams back on, there really wasn't that much room between me and the truck. Then the car behind pulled out and sped by me. I kept my eyes looking forward and hoped the other driver wasn't a psycho. Very strange.

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