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Kevin Smith is brilliant, Clerks II is funny


  02:34:00 pm by wdawe, Categories: movies

I have so much to write about, my canoe trip to Killarny, the sale of the cottage but just don't have the energy to put pixels to virtual paper. I just finished watching Clerks II and am compelled to at least type out a few lines.

I've always liked Kevin Smith's movies. The only one I haven't seen is Jersey Girl and I didn't watched it yet because I thought it was too conventional.  I implore you to check out Clerks II. Only Kevin Smith could work a donkey show into a plot about almost lost love and make it work.  Go see it in a theatre, buy or rent it when it comes out on DVD but watch this movie with an open mind and you will not be disappointed.  A warning the MPAA in the United States rated this movie R for "pervasive sexual and crude content including aberrant sexuality".  IMDB's Clerks II page says that Joel Siegel walked out of this movie after 40 minutes because he couldn't take it. This is not a first date movie unless your date has tatoos and piercings. One other movie tidbit, in the minivan on the way to and from  Killarney the guys watched Alien vs. Predator at least four times.  Based on that fact I've decided to take a look at it.

P.S. Clerks II is very, very funny.

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