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Lazyfeed, for people too lazy to find blogs to read


  04:26:46 am by wdawe, Categories: General

I managed to snag an invite to lazyfeed.com when Techcrunch.com got a few in advance of lazyfeed's launch at the Real time stream Crunchup. Lazyfeed is a real time blog search tool, you enter tags and lazyfeed.com will return a list of blog articles matching your keyword. It doesn't aggregate the separate tags but highlights when there are new items in a particular tag and moves the tag to the top of the sidebar. You can also add individual blog posts to the sidebar as you can see in the screen shot below. This enables to bookmark a particular post so you can read it at your leisure. Lazyfeed has a lot of promise but there are still some bugs to be ironed out before it goes prime time. One glaring omission is that tags must be one word and there is no Boolean operator implemented yet. I can look for the tag "golf" or the the tag "simulator" but lazyfeed.com won't filter on "golf" and "simulator". The user interface can also be a touch confusing. Sometimes clicking on "View the stuff from past" shows you newer items than the new updates from the topic. Lazyfeed has great promise for lazy blog readers like me who don't want to bother which blogs to read and with a few tweaks could be really be a very sueful tool.

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