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MeshU wrap up, a tad bit delayed


  10:14:20 pm by wdawe, Categories: General

Things didn't quite work out as planned, this blog post is coming a few days later than planned. Wednesday night I ended up going to the Marlies game right after work. The game ran longer than expected so I didn't get to the second day Mesh afterparty until almost 11. The only good thing was that it was a cool Wednesday night and after I decided I didn't want to drop $10 for parking on an unsure party I pulled around the corner and found a parking lot where the attendant appeared to have deserted his post. You have to love free parking.

When I first walked into Rockwood I thought I had missed everything, the room was almost completely deserted, after poking around a bit I realized tthere was an upstairs where the party was in full swing. The lack of draft beer meant I had to switch to Scotch. I wandered the room, ran into Leah who had earlier followed me on Twitter. We had a nice chat and then we separated to continue to work the room. I must have looked a little lonely because a woman and her golf playing friend came over to talk to me. We talked about social media, we talked about golf simulators and by the time they left the room was almost empty.

You may be wondering why I didn't mention anything about the sessions I attended yet. I caught on moving beyond relational storage presented by Avi Bryant, iterative design strategies with Daniel Burka, John Resig's jQuery and Leah Culver's oAuth sessions. Though they were all fantastic but my favourite part of MeshU was the chance to talk to other people between the sessions and at the parties. I have about half a dozen new people I follow on Twitter and may end up at a Ruby conference later in the summer. On a separate note I'm thinking of attending Gnomedex this summer too.

I'll definitely be signing up to attend both MeshU and Mesh next year and if you are at all interested in the web and social media I'd suggest you check out the schedule next year and see if there is anything that interests you.

I never got a chance to thank Amber MacArthur in person, may be next year.

I almost forgot to add that I found twemes.com gave more complete results than summize.com when trying to search for posts tagged with Mesh08. Telling point for me was that my posts showed up on twemes.com and not summize.com

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