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St. Paul's Needs an Organist and Choir Director


  06:22:00 am by wdawe, Categories: uncategorized

I'm on the search committee, was supposed to run an ad in the local paper and forgot. Now a month has passed and our interim organist is only around until the end of December. Details athttp://www.stpaulslutheranchurch.com/organist.php. If you know anyone who would be interested please pass this on to them. The paper charged us $217 for a small ad that will run in three editions over a week, I thought that was a bit excessive. Does anyone have any suggestions on where else would be a good place to advertise?

On a completely different note, we updated the sitemap on our company website almost a month ago and Google has stubbornly refused to get it and replace the cached version it has from mid-September. Maybe if I throw a reference to it in here the inscrutable Google robot will be spurred to action.

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