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Stuffed Up and Tired


  09:12:00 am by wdawe, Categories: uncategorized

I have so many good ideas for blog postings but last Friday I got a cold, then went camping for the weekend. I really wanted to head home on Saturday after suffereing through a cold uncomfortable Friday night but one of the other leaders had to leave very early Saturday morning to handle a family emergency and if had left we wouldn't have had the minimum two adults that are required. Out teepee's have shipping pallets that we sleep on so we don't have to put our gear on the dirt and I decided to switch so that I wasn't sleeping head to head with one of the leaders who has a tendency to snore occasionally. Bad idea. Over the summer my pallet had aquired a list which meant that all night it felt like I was going to roll off it. The next morning I go a piece of wood and relevelled the pallet, or so I thought.

Saturday night I switched back to the other end of the pallet. Instead of rolling off the pallet I had raised the bootom corner to high and slippery nylon sleeping bag on slippery rubber sleeping mat meant that I was sliding off of the top all night. The other leader said that at one point we were almost sharing a pillow. Now he's afraid he's going to catch my cold too.

I should have went home Sunday afternoon bu instead I went to the CFL eastern semifinals to play with the Argonotes. Things weren't going so well in the first half but a change of quarterbacks from &#59;Damon Alan to Michael Bishop resulted in an Argonauts win. I'm currently watching the 4th quarter of the Eastern Final between the Argos and Aloeuttes. Six minutes left and the score is 17 to 30 for Montreal.   The game will probably be over before I finish writing this blog entry. I spent all this week fighting the cold, draggin my sorry ass into work, continuing development of enhancments to the world's best golf simulator.

Yesterday I spent two hours in the cold and the rain for the Richmond Hill Rememberance Day parade and service. It didn't start raining until half way through the service. The kids didn't complain, they stood quietly and respectfully as the rain pelted down. I must be getting old, my back got so sore standing there during the service. We had hot chocolate to warm us up when we got home.

Sniff, cough. Sometimes I wonder whether anyone reads these things at all. Yahoo 360 only lets you comment on post if you are a member, hence the dearth of comments. The stats I get show that 7 people have visted my blog on Yahoo 360 in November. Assuming my brother and sister in law are two of those people and me and my evil twin are another two that leaves three visitors unaccounted for. I'm not too up to date on this whole social networking gestalt. I think I'm supposed to try to get more people on my friends list but I don't know what technique to use. Ask random people who I see on other people's blogs? I have not friends, aren't I pathetic. Will you be my friend?

I'm also kinda' pissed at Google. They haven't updated the version of www.wdawe.com in their index since October 23rd. 30 - 24 for the Alouettes with about two minutes left, the Argos may still pull it out of the bag. With only 100 million websites in the world you think that they could get back to mine a little more frequently. Montreal just completed a 31 yard pass, the Argos are really in trouble now. After the game is over I'm going to post this entry then take a nap. Montreal is trying a 44 yard field goal to put the game out of reach for Toronto. The  kick is good, the game is over.

Upcoming entries to look forward to when I shake this cold:

  • a poem

  • Argonotes are ephemeral

  • My favorite music player

1 comment

Comment from: music [Visitor]

Great webpage! I dont imagine Ive seen every one of the angles of this theme the way in which youve pointed them out.

08/08/10 @ 09:31

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