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Sunset Strip vs. CSI:Miami


  12:06:00 pm by wdawe, Categories: uncategorized

I generally don't watch a new TV show during it's first season. I have been disappointed in the past when I really got to like a new show only to have it cancelled. I warned my wife but she decided to show caution to the wind and watch Smith, it was cancelled after three episodes. This year I decided to break my rule decided to start watching Studio Sixty on the Sunset Strip. I really liked The West Wing and Studio Sixty if from Aaron Sorkin who also created The West Wing. I wasn't disappointed, it's a great show but I have been reading that the rating have dropped in each of the three weeks it's been on the air. Evidently NBC has ordered a firm thirteen episodes.

I watched CSI:Miami for a little while when it first started but soon tired of  David Caruso's  constant intensity. Kim Delany couldn't stand it either and bailed after 10 episodes. The final straw was when Emily Procter left the show at the end of the second season. I was a fan of hers when she was on The West Wing but even she couldn't moderate the glowering Caruso enough to make the show watchable for me.

I would like to urge you to give Studio Sixty a test watch. Try watching two episodes, it may take you a while to warm up to the characters. If you are Canada and have access to a U.S. proxy server you can download the previous episode and watch it at your leisure on your PC. If not learning how to use a peer to peer program might be worth your while. If you have no other reason to watch at least tune in to see how they hide Amanda Peets rapdily expanding midriff. The wardrobe gyrations remind me of Shelley Long and Rhea Perlman on Cheers hiding behind trays and the bar during their pregnancies.

On a side note, Sting was on this week's show performing music from his new album "Songs from the Labyrinth". Very nice, give it a listen if you get a chance. The NPR website has a interview and some song samples here.

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