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Website Day


  12:52:00 pm by wdawe, Categories: camping

I know you are probably wondering when I am going to write about my six day canoe trip in Temagami. I got back late Wednesday afternoon, Thursday night was the Argos game and I think that I have pretty much recovered. My sunburn has faded and my knees are back to normal. Well, you are going to have to wait a bit longer. I'm not going to write up the trip until I get my pictures back from Black's. I wasn't sure about taking my digital camera out in the canoe so instead I took an old point and shoot camera. I paid the extra six dollars for each film to get the high resolution digital scanning and am curious to see how they come out. After shooting one film I realized that the camera was set to 100 ASA when it was really a 400 ASA film. I don't expect the two stops of overexposure to make any difference since the camera has a fixed aperture and shutter speed anyways.

Today was website day. I spent most of the afternoon updating a couple of the websites that I administer. I found a neat javascript tabifier that I implemented on the Argonotes photo gallery page. I also updated the Meet the Band pages to reflect the changed membership in the various sections since last year. I also uploaded the pictures from Thursday's game to both the Argonote's website and the Argonote's Facebook group. The St. Paul's website also got it's monthly freshening up. Tomorrow its off to Guelph to drop my younger two sons off for a week at Camp Edgewood.

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