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The recent frenzy that resulted when people tried to sign up for the Canadian Do Not Call list and were greeted with an overloaded website and clogged 1-800 numbers made me wonder what all the fuss was about. I implemented my own telemarketing screening method years ago. I don't answer the phone. More correctly, I use an old tape based answering machine that lets me listen to callers as they leave a message. I works like a charm, telemarketers hang up on it, the people who I want to talk to leave messages and if I'm home I mute the TV, computer or whatever when the phone rings and pick up on the real people when they start to leave a message. No calls for new windows, long distance providers or phone service providers.
If you are one of the people I want to talk to please leave a message, if I'm home I will pick up and talk to you. If I don't and you really want to reach me send me an email, some people in my family aren't so good about passing along messages.