Category: "movies"


  02:09:00 pm by wdawe, Categories: movies, music
I've given myself a one hour time limit to write this entry as Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip is on in fifty-five minutes and I want to see it. So you get it in at the end of the hour warts, spelling errors and all. Remember how I gave kudos to CTV for ma… more »


  06:49:00 am by wdawe, Categories: movies
While my family was away visiting my wife's parents I had an opportunity to catch up on some movies I wanted to see. You've already heard about Alien vs. Predator and Clerks II, now I'll update you on the rest. Supersize Me - A very scary movie, it s… more »


  06:14:00 am by wdawe, Categories: movies
I watched it last night, it was ok. I guess if you have nothing to do in a minivan on a five hour trip you might watch it more than once.  Sigh I just realized that I managed to orphan most of my old pages so the search engines can't find them, have… more »


  02:34:00 pm by wdawe, Categories: movies
I have so much to write about, my canoe trip to Killarny, the sale of the cottage but just don't have the energy to put pixels to virtual paper. I just finished watching Clerks II and am compelled to at least type out a few lines. I've always liked Kevi… more »


  12:13:00 pm by wdawe, Categories: movies
Must blog now, otherwise will never do it. What a terrible 24th of May weekend weatherwise. ( I originally said crappy but someone called me out tonight for saying crappy three times in less than five minutes, he accused me of being a character from the… more »
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