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Is courtesy dead?


  01:53:00 pm by wdawe, Categories: uncategorized

It's amazing how time flies. Two weekends ago it was canoeing near Parry Sound, last weekend was Canada Day long weekend at the cottage.  This weekend is chock full of stuff too, football game on Saturday, helping with church on Sunday.

Surprise, surprise, people do read my blog. I got a nice email from the people at the The Lutheran Magazine thanking me for linking to their site in my  Davinci Code article.   They also pointed me at the ELCA's page called Culture Comments.  This is where the ELCA Communication staff and networks review, evaluate, and comment on films, books and other media events  in our culture with religious implications (their words, not mine).

I'm beginning to wonder whether courtesy is over-rated.  Twice in the past couple of weeks I have been shocked when a courteous gesture has been met with, well I'm not sure how to describe it.  In the first instance I was heading off to my regular Tuesday night out a Jakes.  Jakes has a parking lot behind the restaurant and a long single driveway beside the building from the road to the parking lot.   As I pulled in the I saw the lights of a car at the other end of the driveway.  I thought I'd be nice and let them pull out before I pulled in.  The other car came half way down the driveway. The driver got out and started to chat with someone who was waiting at the curb.  Just as I was getting ready to honk my horn in righteous indication I saw an older gentleman approaching the car in a walker.  By the time all were safely ensconced in the car and all the chatting was done five minutes had passed.  I think if I was planning on blocking the driveway for five minutes I would have flashed my lights and let the Good Samaritan at the other end of the driveway in first.  In case number two I stopped to let an older lady cross in front of me in the supermarket parking lot.  She was moving pretty slowly and I could have gotten by her before she got in front of the car but instead I stopped.  She walked across in front of me, stopped in the centre of the , turned around and began to converse with another younger woman who was probably her younger daughter.  Sigh, sometimes being courteous taxes one's patience.

I had a few more rants that were rolling around in my head but they all disappeared between the time I thought of them and now.  Maybe next time I should write them down.

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