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Summer in the city


  06:26:00 am by wdawe, Categories: uncategorized

I don't actually live in the city but I love summer in the city.  Wandering around downtown on a summer evening is great.  My secret plan is to buy a boat to live on during the summer at one of the Toronto Island marina's or at Harbourfront.  Winters will be spent in a  concrete box nearby.   Of course first I have to get all the kids to move out.

After the Argo's home opener Jason and I walked up University Ave. to look at the new Toronto opera house.  As we walked across Richmond St. we could see a number of large trucks parked on the street so we continued across to see what was going on.  It turned out to be a free outdoor concert called Blockstorm sponsored by GM Canada.   While waiting between concerts you could check out GM cars, play Playstation games.  The only thing missing was a beer garden which is not really that surprising considering the target audience and the negative associations between drinking and driving.  As we were walking both to and away from Blockstorm we saw women completely covered with silver body makeup. At least I think they were completely covered because they also wore a few strips of strategically placed green fabric which preserved their modesty. They were standing outside a motor home parked closeby the concert site.  I suspect that they were dancers, but didn't stick around the event long enough to find out.  I'd already been downtown all afternoon at the football game. I was also the only one there wearing an Argonotes jersey, which I think slightly embarassed Jason. We would have had to wait 1.5 hours until the next band came one and other than the police who were there I was probably the only person over 30 on the site.

Speaking about drinking and driving, I read an article in the paper about a woman who decided to drive for her fiance who had been drinking.  She had never had a license and had never taken any driver training.  She managed to crash the car and kill her fiance.  Driving is not as easy as it looks.

Though I complain about the lack of a spell checker in Yahoo 360 and in the Yahoo mail beta,  one feature that I do like is the ability to recover you last blog entry.  I have managed to crash Firefox twice while writing this entry because of things I have done in other tabs.  See, my blog isn't always a rant.

My favorite Google video right now is magic sand.

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