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Turntables and Trees, Camping and Virii


  12:50:00 pm by wdawe, Categories: uncategorized

Saturday we all went out to plant trees in a quarry.  The weather was much nicer than last weekend when I was out camping with the Explorers (a local version of the Scouts). Friday night I hiked into camp after everyone had already went to sleep.  I didn't want to disturb my tepee mates so I set up my sleeping bag under the kitchen tarp. When I went to bed I had my sleeping bag half unzipped, by the morning it was zipped all the way up and I had put on my hat.  The rain started in the middle of the night and continued all day Saturday and into Sunday morning.

Sunday morning I was listening to The Sunday Edition on CBC.  You never know what you are going to hear on The Sunday Edition. This week Michael Enright interviewed Dr. Paul Ewald. Dr. Ewald believes that infections are responsible for many cancers, and other diseases that at this point are blamed on genetic predisposition and environmental factors. He also thinks that there is almost no risk of the flu pandemic everyone is so worried about. Remember the swine flue scare of 1976? Interesting stuff, you can listen to what he has to say by clicking here

I gave away my turntable today. It's been sitting in my basement since I moved here almost five years ago. I remember it sitting on top of the TV stand gathering dust for a number of years at our old house before I disconnected it to make room for some extra video tapes. I can't remember when I used it last, it's probably been 10 years at least. I was quite surprised when one of the guys at work said he bought a vinyl record,  I figured he would give it a good home, evidently he wants to use it so he can scratch his vinyl.  I didn't know you could still buy vinyl.  I waved goodbye to the pops and clicks of vinyl records when I bought my first CD 20 years ago.  Now I just have to let go of the vinyl.

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