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Why I love emusic.com


  12:15:00 pm by wdawe, Categories: uncategorized

I recently became a member of emusic.com. Emusic.com  is a music site when you can download legal copies of mp3's for many artists. I recently came across the site when looking for mp3's for a CD that my brother had been unsucessful in buying.  Though many people attempt to rationalize downloading mp3's as not hurting the artists but just screwing the rich record companies let's face it, downloading mp3's is stealing music. If you feel guilty about it emusic.com will help you aswage your guilt. For $9.99 a month you can download up to 40 songs from a wide collection of artists. The site tends to favour independant bands so if you like these artists this is the site for you. Here is a list of artists I found on emusic.com that I like and have become part of my collection.

On her album " href="http://http//www.emusic.com/artist/11570/11570108.html">Nancy White sings a scathing commentary on the bane of independant musicicans, well inentioned copying of their music by their fans. The song is called And I Copied It.  You can hear a 30 second sample by clicking on the title of the song.

I am also currently in the middle of a 60 day trial subscription to Yahoo Music Unlimted. It's an OK service but I have some issues with it that will probably mean I won't continue to use it when the trila subscription runs out. The biggest problem I have is that it can't bu used on Linux. This means that I can't use it on the computer I use the most. The other problem I have is that I keep running across albums that are shown in the service but aren't available either for streaming or for purchase. Perhaps there is a way to set filters on the search but I haven't found it. Another problem is no Ipod support. Cnet.com has a more extensive review here.

If you decide after reading this that you want you become a member of Emusic.com please let me know, I get 50 free downloads if I refer you but to do that you have to  follow a special link I email you. If you are a Linux user you wil want to get Emusic/J, an open source download manager for emusic.com, emusic's linux download manger is buggy and no longer supported.  Now it's time for me to finish downloading my 40 songs for this month.

This David Copperfield parody is my favorite Google video for this week.

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